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The Report’s ‘One Favorite Moment’ winter bracket FUN challange!

As we all search for that positive light at the end of an uncharted tunnel, the most we can do is take advantage of the opportunities that are within our reach.

One of the main focuses of The Report is to provide a unique outlet for our coverage area schools and their followers. And in times like these, we will do the best we can to follow that mission. Here is where that continues!

While there is unfinished business for some of our coverage area winter student-athletes, coaches and sports programs overall — let us shed some positive light and provide a fun chance for everyone to reminisce on some of the great accomplishments from around the area during the winter season!

We want you to VOTE on Twitter for your favorite winter sports moment — BRACKET STYLE! Who doesn’t love a bracket?!

We know that there are plenty of fantastic moments that our 13 coverage-area sports programs provided us, and we can’t name them all! But we rounded up some of our favorite moments and randomly placed them on a bracket for you to vote on!

Voting will be done on The Report’s Twitter account right HERE! Each matchup will have its own Tweet to vote on, with a 1-day allotted time period for voting. The bracket will be updated and pinned on our Twitter page after each set of matchups are completed.

We are working with our generous and awesome sponsors for some giveaways and handouts!

We will not tolerate negativity on Twitter and will be monitoring unwanted comments. We are all in these tough times together, and quite frankly, there isn’t room for anything negative at this point.

So, keep an eye on our Twitter page, share and vote on your favorite matchups! MAKE THIS FUN!

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