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Ross to install synthetic turf field

ROSS TWP. — The Ross Local School District and Ross Athletic Boosters have partnered with the Motz Group, First Financial Bank and the Hamilton Community Foundation to install a multi-purpose synthetic turf field this summer as Phase 1 of the larger Ross Community Activity Complex project.

During a six-month capital campaign, both corporate and community donors have contributed nearly $500,000 in an effort to consolidate the existing grass football and soccer game fields into one synthetic turf surface at the current stadium. 

“This facility upgrade allows us to continue to offer the best possible experience to our students and our families moving forward,” Ross athletic director Jake Richards said. “Not only will student athletes benefit from this improvement, but many student and community groups will be able to utilize the facility as well.”

The field will be lined for football and soccer and allow for multi-sport training throughout the year. It will also be available for many community-based activities and rental. 

The Ross Band of Class and other co-curricular activities will benefit from the all-weather surface as well. The field turf upgrade could be a potential host site for band competitions in the future.

“The exciting thing about this project is that it has been driven by private and corporate donors,” Ross High principal Brian Martin said. “Any time you can make significant improvements to your facilities without relying on tax dollars, that constitutes a win for our district as well as our community. We’re one of the last schools in Butler County and our conference to install turf and I know our kids are going to be excited about playing on it.”

Watson Gravel has dedicated substantial services to the installation process and large corporate donors include the Ross Athletic Boosters and Rumpke. ​In addition, the Ross Athletic Department’s annual contribution to the new field actually represents a cost savings to taxpayers in that it will be less than the annual cost of maintaining grass fields.

Construction is set to begin on June 10 and finish by August 9, just in time for the fall sports season. The stadium, including the track, will be closed during construction, but the tennis courts will remain open during that time.

“I’m very excited for the Ross Local School District and the community,” said Scott Gates, superintendent of Ross Local Schools. “Thank you to everyone involved in the campaign and to all of our donors. This was accomplished because we are #bettertogether.”

The Ross Athletic Department will host a public groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, June 5 at 3:30 p.m. at the stadium to recognize donors and provide photo opportunities.

 The Ross Community Activity Complex: Phase 1 was made possible by the generous contributions of the following donors: 

PROJECT PARTNERS: First Financial Bank, The Hamilton Community Foundation, The Motz Group, Ross Local Schools Board of Education

LEGACY: $100,000+: Watson Gravel, Ross Athletic Boosters, Rumpke 

MAROON: $50,000-$99,999: Ross Youth Football 

GOLD: $25,000-$49,999: Charles C. Young Funeral Home, Eli’s Sports Bar and Grill, Van Winkle Family, Fairfield Optimist Soccer Club 

SILVER: $10,000-$24,999: Ross Lions Club, ATS Logistics, Kroeger Family, John and Lisa Iams and Family, Huff Family, Hill Family, Thinnes and Neumaier Family, Richards Family 

BRONZE: $5,000-$9,999: Schuler Family 

VARSITY: $1,500-$4,999: D&E Electric Inc., Niederhelman Family, Tyler Minges-Huff Realty, Brad Ruwe, Esq., Dana and Martha Mehl, Redemeier Family 

RAM: $500-$1,499: Hiler Company, Ltd., Jon and Lisa DePrie, Terry Hill, Joe Arno 

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